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Term & Conditions of ICBC Co., Ltd. Website

This statement serves as a provision of relevant network use. All users who browse this website and relevant web pages are deemed to accept the following clauses. ICBC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "ICBC" or "our bank") reserves the right to change the information and data contained in this web page and the terms, conditions and explanations shown herein. The change shall take into effect upon its release. You should regularly browse this website statement to know any change of this website policy.

Not all clients are entitled to obtain all products and services, and the final right to interpret whether you're qualified or not to enjoy any special product and service belongs to ICBC.

Your access to this website through linking other websites may probably be at the risk of visiting fake ICBC website, so you are recommended to adopt safer means (for example, directly enter the website address of ICBC at the address field of browser or click correct website address recorded in collector) to access this website.

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