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Annual Report 1999
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Annual Report of the Year of 1999

China Tian Min Audit (2000) No. 148

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,
We accepted the entrustment to audit the Balance Sheet on December 31, 1999 and the Statement of Loss and Gain of the Year of 1999 of your bank. Your bank is held responsible for these two accounting statements, and our duty is to state our views on them in the audit range as is indicated in the business agreement. We carried out the audit work according to the "Norms of Independent Audit of Chinese Certified Accountants". In the course of audit, we followed the necessary audit procedure in line with the actual conditions of your bank. We hold that the above accounting statements conform to the "Enterprise Accounting Norms" and "Regulations on Financial Enterprise Accounting", as well as other Chinese laws and stipulations concerning financial accounting. They justly and soundly represented your bank's financial position on December 31, 1999 and the operation results in the year of 1999 in all major respects. The ways of accounting treatment were selected and used following the principle of consistency.

Director Accountant:
Chinese Certified Accountant:

                                     April 3,2000

Balance Sheet of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

December 31, 1999  
Unit: RMB hundred million
Cash 249.52 429.89
Funds deposited in the Central Bank 3,506.72 3,049.12
Inter-bank lending 745.78 696.91
Inter-bank borrowing 240.95 356.34
Loans 22,715.39 24,271.22
    Short term
17,949.43 17,403.50
    Medium & long term 4,765.96 6,867.72
Minus: bad account reserves 79.16 166.09
Portfolio investment 2,735.52 3,239.47
    Short term
    Medium & long term 2,735.52 3,239.47
Minus: investment risk reserves


Fixed assets 601.10 761.40
Minus: accumulative depreciation 154.88 167.55
Other assets 1,827.26 2,929.82
Total assets 32,387.38 35,398.66
Savings 26,317.68
    Short term 11,725.70
    Long term 14,591.98
Inter-bank lending 1,976.15
Inter-bank borrowing 114.96
Borrowed funds 407.62
Issued bonds 1.02 0.67
    Short term
    Long term 1.02 0.67
Other liabilities 1,731.02 1,531.56
Owner's equity 1,838.93
Paid-in capital 1,714.22 1,674.17
Capital surplus 9.87 9.47
Profit surplus 82.00 103.54
Undistributed profit 32.84
Total liabilities and owner's equity 32,387.38 35,398.66

Profit and Loss Sheet of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

The Year of 1999
Unit: RMB hundred million
Accumulative Amount
I. Business income 1,666.72
    Interest income 1,471.73
    Financial enterprises contacts income 170.92
    Commission income 16.14
    Returns on exchange 4.41
    Other business incomes 3.52
II. Business expenditure 1,773.50
    Interest expenditure 1,140.56
    Financial enterprises contacts expenditure 79.84
    Commission expenditure 23.29
    Business charge 344.36
    Exchange loss
    Other business expenditures 185.45
III. Business tax and extra duties 127.68
IV. Business profit -234.46
    Add: returns on investment 213.15
    Add: non-operating incomes 70.29
    Minus: non-operating expenditures 7.72
V. Total profit 41.26